Our Early Child Programs emphasize building early learning skills and helping children fall in love with learning.
We enthusiastically utilize the child's naturally inquisitive, explorative and creative nature to "learn by doing." This active approach to learning makes school fun and exciting. Your child will experience this hands-on approach to learning through participation in story time, dramatic play, arts and crafts, music, puppetry, science exploration, and field trips.
Program Eligibility:
Children entering our 3K program must be 3 by September 1. Children entering our 4K program must be 4 September 1. All students must be *toilet-independent.RES Early Childhood Program Options:
3K Program:
Monday and Wednesday session: Mornings: 8:20 - 11:30 a.m.4K Program:
5 Days, Half-Day ProgramBreakfast/Hot Lunch Program
All students are invited to join us for breakfast. Breakfast is served promptly at 7:40 a.m. Hot lunch fees are billed daily and assessed per use. Current price for breakfast is $1.95.